How to Create a Happy Relationship with Your Dog
Your dog is meant to be your best friend. To create this relationship, you have to hold up your end of the bargain as an owner. Here are some tips from Dominant Dogs for improving that relationship quickly, while also giving yourself an easier time with their needs.
Tips for a Happier Pet-Owner Relationship
Communicating your needs to the dog is crucial. This of course isn’t anything like communicating with a partner or a friend. You have to give them the energy they can perceive, and while various dog breeds do understand a surprising amount of their human interactions, it’s best to rely heavily on body language and the energy you give them.
This means that when you recognize they’re hunched over or sad, you can quickly pick them up with some positive reinforcement. The same goes for guilty looks. For example, if they just tore up a couch cushion, you have to respond adequately. This doesn’t mean just yelling at them and punishing them. Allow them to recognize behavioral energies that surround actions like chewing up couch cushions. Then, with some additional discipline, they’ll start to respond well with time.
Going hand-in-hand with communication, training is a major factor in how you treat your dog. Dog owners in the early stages may get frustrated and struggle with training early on. It’s almost as if the training is just as much for them as it is for the dog. You’re going to have to dig in and prepare for a long and bumpy road with your dog or start working with professionals.
In either case, you should see a more healthy relationship between yourself and your dog if you can get training and communication down. These are the two primary elements to accomplishing anything with your dog, and being aware of your tone and body language’s effect on those results is vital.